SENHS welcomes their new Clinical Director, Nick Pfeifer!
For Immediate Release
Contact: Jessica Hamilton
Phone: 603.516.8162
Date: January 18, 2017
Dover, New Hampshire- January 18, 2017- Mr. Nick Pfeifer, Clinical Director, joined our organization on December 31, 2016, which is located in the Strafford County Complex, Dover, NH. Mr. Pfeifer brings over 20 years of knowledge and experience from the behavioral health and mental health fields to lead our team of clinicians at SENHS. He is dually licensed as a Master Licensed Alcohol & Drug Counselor and a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. Mr. Pfeifer is not only an asset to our Agency and clinical staff, but also an incredible addition to the community.
Sharon Drake, Chief Executive Officer said, “We are thrilled to have Nick join the SENHS Team! His expertise in clinical, residential, billing and leadership will help to move our organization forward while adjusting programs and curricula to meet the needs of those who battle the disease of substance use and mental health disorders. He will play a key role in positioning our staff with training to maneuver through the battlefield of co-occurring disorders and ensure the best quality care to our clients.
Based on the experience and expertise of our staff, we are aware of the devastating substance abuse problem our state and community currently face. With the number of Opioid overdose deaths in New Hampshire escalating each year by shocking amounts, the significance of providing both effective and well-timed delivery of treatment services is critical. With Mr. Pfeifer leading the clinicians at our Agency we will be able to provide the best possible quality treatment services to those in need. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction please call us at 603.516.8160.
272 County Farm Road, Dover, NH 03820-6003, Tel: (603) 516-8160,
Fax: (603) 749-3983,