About Our Programs

All programs at SENHS focus on substance use disorders as chronic, progressive, biological, psychological, and social in nature. Our staff members are trained to provide education about the nature and impact of addiction on the individual and on significant others. The various treatment approaches utilize the latest in Evidence Based Practices, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Matrix Model, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Seeking Safety, Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment and Motivational Enhancement Therapy.

Our approach is extremely compatible with such Twelve Step Programs as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, and all our clients are educated about such approaches, and exposed to meetings and encouraged to make supportive contacts in Twelve Step programs to further recovery efforts after discharge. Our treatment programs offer education to the whole family, since all have been affected by a loved one’s addiction.

Clients in our residential treatment program generally participate in group process sessions, lectures, individual counseling, art and expressive therapy, psychodrama, intensive relapse prevention education, and numerous other components. The primary goal of the program is to provide all a client may need to for a stable recovery, and to move to the next appropriate level of care.